Unlike wet rot there is only one type of dry rot. The true dry rot fungus (Serpula lacrymans) is the most serious of all wood destroying fungi. Dry Rot requires urgent attention due to its aggressive veracious nature.
Dry Rot can spread through a building in a relatively short period of time. It can spread through plaster and masonry into adjacent rooms and properties and has been known to spread through several dwellings within a row of terraced houses.
If ignored, dry rot can spread away from its original outbreak and cause secondary outbreaks to other locations by spore distribution and mycelium growth.
If left untreated dry rot can lead to severe failing of structural timber causing the collapse of floors, ceilings and roof structures.
Dry rot can have a distinctive mushroom smell and demonstrate significant fungal growth (fruiting body). The white fruiting body is often pancake like and can have lilac and yellow tinges that produce spores which are a red/brown in colour, similar to red brick dust. Its mycelium looks white and silky and often resembles fluffy cotton wool.
With dry rot there is often severe cuboidal cracking to the affected timber which can easily be crumbled in the hand.
BAR Preservations surveyors and technicians have the knowledge and experience to diagnose and treat dry rot effectively: